Raspberry leaf tea testimony


So I drank RRL tea throughout my 2nd and third trimester. 1 cup a day until the end and I upped it to 2x a day. I also did the mama natural brew of RRL tea which is basically 24 tea bags on my due date. My baby was born 3 days later. I can’t say I think that brew helped. However, all my contractions were so efficient that I dilated to 10 so quickly. Labor started at 1:30 am and I was dilated to a 6 when I got to the hospital at around 4:30. And dilated at least 1 cm every hour after. I was nervous the epidural would slow down labor but was told that with how fast I was progressing that it wouldn’t. And it never did. My dr broke my water at 10 cm (I waited on her for a couple of hours) and baby started moving down pretty quickly after that. Baby was born at 4:30 pm that day. He would have been born quicker but I decided not to push until I could feel the pressure. Overall a great, efficient labor and delivery.

Also I am 6 days PP and the bleeding has almost completely stopped. It’s super light and really only need a panty liner which is fantastic since I can’t stand pads.

AND my stomach is almost completely flat again. Which I was never that big and never had stretch marks so genetics is also probably to thank but I am confident that the tea and breastfeeding helped my uterus shrink back to normal pretty quickly.

To add, I never ate dates or using evening primrose oil vaginally so I credit the tea and breastfeeding a lot to the PP recovery.

Hope it works for everyone else!