Miscarriage and Celiac disease?


I’ve had 3 miscarriages in a row, so I’ve been getting all kinds of testing done in search of reasons. The 3rd time I had to have a d&c and opted for fetal tissue testing, and the cause was a random chromosomal anomaly (Turner’s Syndrome), but I don’t know what happened with the first 2. So far, my partner’s chromosome testing was normal and everything with my health came back normal. That is until my GI doc had me do a blood test for Celiac disease, which came back positive. He said he’s 90% sure I have it, but it can’t be confirmed until an endoscopy.

My ObGyn says there’s some support for a link between untreated Celiac (and I sure did eat lots of gluten) and recurrent miscarriages, but that more studies need to be done. Anyone have any anecdotal feedback? I cut out all gluten during my tww just in case, but this has me wondering if it could possibly be a reason for my 1st or 2nd mc 😢