When you don't like your friends kid

So this is a bit of a difficult subject I suppose but recently I realized I really don't like my close friends kid. I don't like that I feel that way, but it's like every time I see the kid I find it hard to be warm to him. She has other children who I find it easy to get along with and I find have nice personalities. . But her son just makes me irritated every time he's around. He is constantly rude, the one time I invited them over he was trying to destroy my sons drum set, he is so rough and quite frankly she barely disciplines the kid. I would say we'd just stop seeing them but I have to see them every week at church. She alwwwwaayys wants her and her kids to sit with us and basically I'm getting tired of putting up with this kids behavior. I will sit at church with my son trying to listen to the sermon and her kid will start yelling or trying to take everyones toys. . Its so hard to concentrate when he does this. . Which is for about 90% of the service. I think she just expects that she will go to church and everyone else will entertain her kids while she sits there. It's starting to grate on my nerves that she doesn't discipline her kid when he is out of control.

Basically my question is this. .

Have you ever disliked a friends kid so much that it starts to interfere with the friendship?

Is it weird that I don't like a child?

It's not like i could really bring it up to anyone I know because they would probably think I was a terrible person for even saying that out loud.