What would you do?

So I’m divorced for about a year now, my ex husband got along great until he started dating his GF. I’m so happy he found someone but he has treated me like garbage ever since then, not just e but he’s disowning his daughter (3). Now saying it’s not his daughter and that he doesn’t want her. My divorce decree states that the “mother will have sole legal custody with father having SUPERVISED VISITATION and that the mother will supervise. He lives in Chicago and I in California... be aware that he has never been in her life but all maybe a week and that was when she was born. He wants her alone and I told him no for several different reasons 1. He has dual citizenship US and MEXICO. 2. She does not know him so sending her off would be stressful for her. 3. His gf, I had nothing against his gf until she messaged me on social media saying I was a bad mom and that I’m manipulating my child because I won’t send her. I have offered room and board for him to come see her but he refuses saying it’s not fair he has to come here. I offered to come there but I said she cannot be around my daughter right now because she doesn’t know you so bringing in your gf would be uncomfortable. He pitched a fit saying she’s part of my life if you can’t get used to it I don’t want my daughter. In addition I just found out he has time to take her and her kids to Disney but yet he can’t see his daughter.

I’m now tempted to sever visitation with him. Im broken hearted for my daughter and want to protect her.