Group B Strep



I found out today that I am positive for group B strep. Does anyone have any experience with this? What does it mean? Should I be worried?

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It's pretty common, about 30% of women come up positive for it during at least one of their pregnancies. That's why they test everyone towards the end. They'll just give you some antibiotics during labor. It won't affect baby, and you'll both be fine.


Chelsea • Jan 23, 2019
Ok thank you


Kaitlyn • Jan 23, 2019
No, they will start it when they get you all hooked up while you're still early labor stages. The only instance it would be ineffective is if you were to basically give birth an hour or two after arrival.


Chelsea • Jan 23, 2019
Does it mean I need to be at the hospital sooner in my labour process?


Posted at
I was GBS pos with my firstborn and am GBS pos this time again. They just gave me IV antibiotics when I got to the hospital, they say they need to get them in you 6 hrs in advance to give you the full effect. I only had them for 3 hrs (we had a surprisingly quick labor) and still everything was fine. I’m just going to try and get to the hospital quicker this time!


Shanique • Jan 23, 2019
Yea I find it kind of odd, my OB specifically told me me no messing around once my water breaks and I go into labor because I need the antibiotics for 4 hours before baby actually comes.


Melanie • Jan 23, 2019
Idk maybe they just told me 6 so I’d have plenty of time 🤷‍♀️


Melanie • Jan 23, 2019
No, I waited until they got close together because I had heard first pregnancies labor takes forever 🤷‍♀️this time I will get there sooner


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I Tested Positive You're Just Gonna Get An Antibiotic In Your IV


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I had it with my son and all they did was give me antibiotics.


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I had the swap a few days ago. My dr said if it comes back positive they’ll give me iv penicillin during my labor.


💀 • Jan 23, 2019
There are other antibiotics that are sensitive to that bacteria that they will use.


Kaitlyn • Jan 23, 2019
I was interested in that too after you said this. There is a list of antibiotics that work similarly to penicillin, but are unrelated and generally safe for penicillin allergic patients that I found. Not super medically inclined and i don't trust my spelling, but there appears to be at least 5. I'm guessing they'll just use one of those instead.


Chelsea • Jan 23, 2019
I’m allergic to penicillin. I wonder how that will change things.