Question for those who have struggled to get pregnant

Let me just preface this by saying; This question is not meant in any bad way. I myself have yearned for a baby and have tried for over 5 years with many struggles and tears along the way. I think this question comes from my own personal struggle, and a desire to really dig into how I am feeling.

Here goes...

I've read many stories on here of the sadness and pain that has come with losses, and everything us women put our own bodies through with procedures and pills and test after test and disappointment.

I can't help but think of all the babies/ children in the world with the same desire for a family, for parents to love and <a href="">nurture</a> them...

Is adoption or foster care something you have considered? If not, why not?

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Posted at
Adoption is ridiculously expensive. Even more expensive than IVF. Also, I’ve thought about it a lot and I’ve come to the conclusion that I am not cut out for adoption. I think it’s absolutely amazing and wonderful, but not for me. I don’t have the openness that it takes. I can’t handle the emotional parts.


Posted at
Yes, but as a last option. We've tried for 7 years and we've tried everyrhing including apart from IVF. I want to do everything in my power to be able to carry my own child first, failing that I'm more than able to give a child all the love that I have. It's not as easy as " just adopting " as everyone tells me though. Depending on where you live in the UK, you can get declined if your BMI is too high, if you suffer with depression. The two things that have been brought on by infertility 😡


Brittany • Jan 23, 2019
I didn’t know that about BMI. That depresses me.


Je • Jan 23, 2019
Praying we will both be blessed with our miracles soon!


Je • Jan 23, 2019
Wow, I can't believe BMI could be a factor for adoption, that is just crazy to me 😟


Posted at
I just asked my husband this same question