When did you all put your baby on baby food?

My baby boy is 2 and half months I was going to try half cows milks half formula!?

Update: sorry a lot of you took this the wrong way! I was just looking for advice because a lot of family and friends have said that they would give there baby’s cows mike at this ages! I have not done it I have just given him more formula! But as for baby food I’m in Australia and idk about anywhere else but you can get baby food for 3month olds here and has he is almost 3 months old I was thinking about giving him just a taste that is all! Sorry I do apologise I should have worded it right

I’m a ftm I’m a step mum and have been since he was 9 months old but he was a perm baby and is almost three and still tube feed so I’m more use to that and trying to get him to eat then what to give to our baby boy!