Fetal movements


Does anyone’s baby just not move as much? I’m 27 weeks and for the last few weeks keep freaking myself out after not feeling the baby for a day or so. I call my doctor every time, they check, and everything is fine. I also have a fetal doppler at home so I am always reassured that he’s alive, even when I can’t feel him. Some days he moves a ton and other days I can barely feel him at all. Yesterday was another one of those days and I was in tears saying I’ll go to L&D first thing this morning. Woke up to baby kicking up a storm so talked myself out of going. I don’t know what the deal is but I’m sick of this emotional rollercoaster! I’m worried that he’s going to fail the kick counts when I have to start monitoring in about a week and will be going to the doctor like every other day to get checked.