What do I do? Mom with completely different beliefs

This may not be an issue with other people but I’m a bit conflicted. My mom and I aren’t close by any means, but she’s still my mom. However, many things she says I just can’t get over.

She is very racist. She won’t say anything bad about black people, and we have many in our family and she loves them. However, if a black person does something wrong (ex. Rape) she will call them the N word.

She doesn’t believe you can be transgendered and says mean things about them.

A 10 year old boy committed suicide because of bullying and she said “if parents would get their head out of their asses and teach their kids to not be so sensitive, this wouldn’t happen. We didn’t just kill our selves when we got bullied.” She said that on Facebook for his parents to see. I was bullied to the point that I overdosed 3 times trying to commit suicide, and cut myself until I was 20. So this really triggered me.

These are just a few things that she does. I can’t just tell her to stop because she won’t. She’ll say that she can do what she wants and I shouldn’t be so sensitive. Many people in my family don’t believe these things but they don’t say anything so I’m thinking I should just ignore it?