Basal Body Temp.

Hey ladies! Quick question for all of those who chart their BBT. How crucial is it to test around the same time everyday? I ask because I do not sleep well regularly. Sometimes I'm up between 7-7:30 and other days, like to today, I was up at 5:45 and can't fall back to sleep. I of course charted my temp as soon as I realized falling back to sleep was not going to happen. But it was drastically lower. I'm 7 DPO and I wasn't sure if the time of testing really does matter when you chart. If it does, being that it's hard for me to stay asleep and have a consistent wake up time, is it pointless to chart? I also do CM checks and OPKs. Thanks in advance for the help. Also I was looking for a BBT group. Is there any? 😊💤💤