9 Month Sleep Regression?


My daughter has been giving me the most trouble taking naps the past 3 days now. She usually naps every 2-3 hours, no problem, now she wants to be up like 6 hours before she naps for an hour and a half. Bed time is a problem now too. Fights me so hard to go to sleep. Never slept through the night without waking up consistently, but shes been waking up every 2-3 hours and between 3-5 a.m she doesn't want to go back to sleep and wants to play with her daddy by all means (we co-sleep). So is this a sleep regression or what? 😅😅

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Reading as I'm trying to get my 18 month old to nap during her 18 month sleep regression lol. Ugh..just. gotta power through it mama


Posted at
My Son started to refuse naps after he turned 9 months. He wants to stay awake and play instead. He takes around 2ish naps a day ranging from 1 hr to 2 hr max. Hes growing like crazy too.


Sarah • Jan 23, 2019
Oh i know what thats like. My Son fights it like no other sometimes.


Sarah • Jan 23, 2019
My Son also has been waking 1 to 2 times a night for a bottle but hes trething and going thru growth spurts.


Kayla • Jan 23, 2019
I just spent a hour and half trying to put her for her morning nap 😅😅


Posted at
Not sure if sleep regression, but my daughter did that a week or so before she turned 9 months... I changed her nap times, and she naturally dropped her dinner time nap.She wakes between 7-8am, and her first nap is around 2 hours later. She would usually wake around 10-11am, and her next nap I pushed to 2pm. And again she sleeps for 1-2 hours. Wakes up around 4pm usually, and then that’s her awake until 7:30-8pm which is when she goes to bed. She usually sleeps through unless she has teething pain or having a growth spurt, in which case she would wake up around 3am.


Kayla • Jan 23, 2019
That's about the schedule she's on now. Except she usually goes for a nap around 4-430 and wakes up about 6 and goes to bed between 8 and 9. Like I said, she's never slept through the night without waking up to eat other than a handful of times, but it's normally 4-5 hours not 2-3. And shes been trying to wake up my husband and not me lol. But shes breastfed so he can't nurse her back to sleep and she just wants to play with him