I know it's a wierd thing to be excited about but I have a healthy period again!!! After 3 1/2 years of absolute hell from a medical injury (gardasil) I finally have my periods back to normal! I'm not cramping, I don't feel like I'm dying, I can eat, I have acne. I'm so fucking happy and proud of myself for getting through this and figuring out how to heal myself! For 3 and a half years I had cramping so bad that I couldn't even move, I couldn't speak. I didn't just cramp on my period but that's when it was the worst. My cycles got all screwed up they would be 10-45 days apart bleeding would last 2-10 days and that wasn't even the worst of it! My doctors also couldn't help me through any of it cause they didn't know how to treat my type of injury so I had to do if myself and I am so proud of myself.