Should we get checked out?

Samantha • Girl mom 02/04

So weve been trying for over a year. About a year and a half or more. And nothing. I started AF today. My mother in law asked me as I was getting my feminine products if me and my man have unprotected sex and I asked y. She said shes been wondering y I'm not pregnant yet and that she had a dream last night that I was last night. It hurt hearing that since I just started

My husband thinks the reason is because of him cuz when he was little he had to get surgery on his sack. He's terrified they did something that ruined our chances now.

I think it's because of me. My sister had to take pills for her to get pregnant with her first, and we normally are very similar. Also I barely ever have fertile CM.

I've been tracking on n off since August through BBT. This cycle I'm gonna try opks, bbt, votes and preseed.

I'm terrified that I wont be able to have kids. I've said a million time that I'll adopt if I can't. But I wanna go through the same stuff everyone else goes through with a pregnancy. I wanna feel the joy of carrying my child for 9 months then getting to hold them in my arms.

I need some advice, maybe something funny or good, and just someone who understand.

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