

For anyone out there with Endometriosis, I have what I call contractions and i’m wondering if anyone else can relate. Typically, ill have the most unbearable pain that makes me feel like i’m leaving my body for about 2-4 minutes, and then i’m fine for 2-3 minutes, and then i have another one. I’m currently on the pill and i have an IUD and it feels like my uterus is trying to give birth to my IUD. There have been times where i’m driving in the city and i’m in a tunnel with bumper to bumper traffic while this is happening and all i can think about is how i need to call an ambulance because i am in so much pain while also panicking about the fact that i’m stuck in this tunnel. I’ve tried taking up to 4 ibuprofen and never found that it works. Are there any other in the moment remedies that other people use?

I’m a waitress and there have been times where this pain will start as i’m talking to customers and i have to pretend like i’m not feeling it (life doesn’t stop for any of us unfortunately). It’s gotten to a point where i’m frustrated that this is happening to me and i want it to stop but i don’t see that happening any time soon so i need help.

🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼pls help a girl out

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I would get the iud taken out but that’s my personal preference. For my friend and I both, an iud made endometriosis pain 10x worse. Mine moved out of place and I’m convinced that it’s because my body was rejecting it. The same thing happened to my friend but she decided to get hers replaced. After replacing hers, her pain is so intense that she is going to get it removed once again and just forget the iud. After getting mine taken out, my pain has decreased significantly. It’s not gone, I’m sure it never will be, but it’s nothing compared to the pain I had when I had the iud in place, which was very similar to the contractions you are describing.


Alexandra🌻 • Jan 25, 2019
Trust me I totally understand! This is the exact reason my friend was leaving hers in for so long. But after a lot of thinking she’s decided it’s her body telling her it’s just not the right move. Good luck!


sarah • Jan 24, 2019
thank you for the advice! i actually have been meeting with an endo specialist and she did an ultrasound of my bits and found that everything was fine. i’ve had this iud in for so long and it was so traumatic having it put in that i guess i’m just scared that i did that for no reason.