How do you stop arguing?


Recently my boyfriend and I have argued a lot. It always seems to be my fault but I never mean to start a fight. It’s always him misunderstanding me or getting upset because of something I’ve said. It’s really the worst because when we’re fighting, he’ll mention old stuff again and he’ll yell and sometimes call me names... So I start crying because I’m hypersensitive and he gets even crazier, screaming that now people will think I’m the victim.

Last time we fought, he was going to stay for the weekend and because of the fight we went to the train station so he’d leave but he sat down, thought for a couple of minutes. Then he took my hand and we went home. That’s already so much better than all the other times! He usually just leaves!

Most of the time he’s an angel, he’s thoughtful, kind, gentle, really the best I could ever dream of.

I really don’t know how to fix this. We always regret fighting after we’ve made up and he apologises for the mean words and he goes back to being the sweetest.
