Ugh, what is my body doing 🤦🏻‍♀️


I’ll try to keep this short. I’m 4 months PP, went back to normal periods by 5 weeks so I’m currently waiting on my 4th period since birth. I started feeling super weird about a week ago- crazy fatigue, some nausea, throbbing headaches (which are unusual for me), and it felt just like what made me test with my little girl. I tested all week with cheapies (FRER didn’t turn positive until a week after my digital and confirmed blood test so I don’t waste my money on those) and just got the smallest hint of a line last night. Got another vvvvvvvvfl this morning, like so faint it was hard to snap a picture but it was colored and within 5 minutes which makes sense if HCG doubles 48-72 hours there wouldn’t be much difference in 12 hours. I’m 5 days late for AF at this point and I just need to know either way. This would be a total “oops” but a blessing nonetheless.

Problem is- my maternity leave ends tomorrow and I head back to work. My plan was to put in my two weeks next week so I can stay home with my nugget and just pick up a little part time nights job for side money. If I’m pregnant again, I just can’t do that. I have a corporate job and the benefits are just too great to leave if I have this surprise coming. I’m on a time crunch. If I am staying at my job we would need to find a daycare in less than a week. Would it be ridiculous to ask my doctor to order a blood test based off this vvvvvfl so I can know for sure what’s going on? Should I wait another two days to see if the line gets darker? Losing my mind a bit over here. 😩