Going from 3 naps to 2


I think we’re dropping our 3rd nap. Our schedule looked like this:

7am- wake up, change, 6 oz bottle

8/8:30am- breakfast

9:30-10:30- nap 1

10:30- 6oz bottle

11:30/12- lunch

12:30- 1:30- nap 2

2:00- 6 oz bottle

3:00- snack

3:15- 4- nap 3

6/6:30pm- bedtime

Nap 3 has been non existent lately. So come bedtime she’s exhausted. We’ve tried pushing her naps up by 15 minutes but then her naps are shorter. But if we try to put her down for nap 3, she screams the whole time. But I can’t have her up from 1:30 to 6, because then she’s miserable.