Finally Home to Test Again .. And oh BABY its Real! 8 cycles ttc .. Finally stopped and BAM!


Im not even quite shook as I can be yet but im back home from work and tested before going in to work .. Since I got 2 faint positives on Monday and Tuesday.. Of course im like Nol may be just evaps as my heart has broken so many times.. But the thing that got me is each test was a different brand .. And all showed faint .. I told myself if i test TODAY and its a BFP ill believe it then .. Well couldn't wait stopped at the store before clocking in and got me 3 cheap test .. Took it not even with fmu and before leaving the lot it was a true BFP no doubts no angles no tweaking a good clean dark line .. Period due tomorrow.. So I tested again just now after work and its absolutely true. ! Im pregnant!!!!!💞💞💞💞😊👼💞💞💞💞