What are the biggest deciders for you on not having/having more children?

Devon - 💙 3 Sweet Boys 💕 Baby Girl Feb 2021💕

Hi July Moms!

I know we are all on different paths, everyone is in this life. We are different individuals with different circumstances.

I have seen some posts here & there where some of you know this is your last baby, and you will be done after this one. Can you share some of your reasons & experiences that make you know you are done having more children? Is it just something you feel in your heart?

This is my third baby and my husband and I talk about maybe one more after this one, but for me, I'm 35, and I guess my age is becoming a more real aspect of my process for me as I think more about it. Am I done after this one, or is there room for one more?

What makes you feel complete and ready to stop having babies and just enjoy & watch the ones you have grow? And what makes you want more, if that's your story?

Any experiences welcome...feeling kind of confused in my thoughts today, I guess... 😟🥴