Present past and future!


If you had of asked me 3 years ago today (I would of been 16) what my future held for before I turned 20 (This November), I would of said finished high School, started university and if you had of said “would you ever have children” I would of said never.

And now if you say what does your future hold before 20 (this November) today. I can happily say

My future is bright, I have motivation, schedules and I’m happy. I finish high School this year in November, I start my diploma course this year as well for early childhood.

I have a beautiful son, whom turns 2 in March, I’m engaged to his father and we are expecting our second child in September.

How about you? How much has your future changed in 3 years!

Today 3 years ago

January 24 2016 vs today January 24 2019