Feeling discouraged (oversupply and strong letdown)


My daughter is 2 weeks old, and up until 3 or 4 days ago she was so easy. I just fed her then she would sleep for 3 hours then repeat. But then i started having strong letdown issues and im making too much milk. She has been so fussy and gassy all the time and gained 14 oz in a week. I cant put her down after feedings anymore because i need to keep her upright to burp but she takes an incredibly long time to burp and doesnt get it out all at once so i literally feed her then burp her until she needs to be fed again. The pediatrician said for me to pump for 5 minutes before feeding her but im having alot of trouble timing it to where im not trying to pump while she's screaming because she wants to eat. I also read to try using a pacifier when she's just comfort nursing so she doesnt eat so much, but i can never tell when shes comfort nursing or not because i have so much milk shes always swallowing, but then gets over full and really burpy and fussy. But if i pull her off before she falls asleep she gets super mad. I just dont know what to do. Im a single mom ive barely slept in days i can never find time to eat all i do is try and feed her and burp her all day but shes still so fussy all the time i have no idea what to do i feel so stupid. I feel so bad that shes uncomfortable all the time part of me thinks i should just start exclusively pumping so i can gauge how much shes taking, but i really wanted to have this bond with her. Just feeling really discouraged at the moment i guess. Any tips or suggestions fron someone with oversupply/strong letdown issues would be really appreciated.