Spotting in 1st Trimester


So I found out last week by 3 pee tests and a blood test that I was pregnant. Im into my sixth week now. Today I noticed spotting for the first time since implantation. Its just light pink and only there when I wipe. I haven’t had any cramping or anything like that, and other than extremely tender breasts, I haven’t had any headaches or other crazy symptoms in a few days. My first OB appt isnt until February 12th, so I still havent heard or seen my little one. But this is my first pregnancy so obviously seeing this spotting now is making me pretty nervous. I know its usually pretty normal for women to experience some spotting during their pregnancy, but just wanting to hear what you all have to say! Words of encouragement or similar stories or anything. If it is the same by morning, Im probably going to go ahead and try to get into my OB just to check things out and to try and put my mind at ease for a while longer.