Do You Ever Feel Like You're Someone Else? (Check Description, It's Probably Not What You Think)

Not like you don't feel like yourself or you're just having a day. You legitimately feel like you are another person, seeing the world through their eyes usually for a split second maybe one second. Its always really quick.

I had an ex and he brought up that we might be soul mates because of our instant connection and he said I was the female version of him. At the time I was like wtf are you talking about dude because, yes our connection is otherworldly and we barely ever kissed and never had sex and I've known him his 2011 but we barely know each other on a personal, personal level.

Despite spending all day together for days we never really got deep we just connected and talked about nothing or didn't talk at all. He didn't even know my last name until the last time i saw him in 2016. Also my birthday is half of his.

Anyways, something weird started happening. I would start feeling like I was him. It would be a flash kinda thing but I would feel like I was seeing the world through him. I haven't told anybody annnnd I probably won't cause it sounds wild, but it happens.

Not like teleport. I stay where I am, I just feel like I'm him. Has this ever happened to you?

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