How old were you when you first had your period?

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9 years old


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9 💀


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I started super early at 9 years old


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I was like 12 or 13 (7th grade) and super jealous that all my friends got their period and then i did finally too and got to miss school that day to celebrate


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Earliest you can start is 8, so not sure why the poll doesn't go lower lol. I started at 10 😪


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I remember the night it happened like it was yesterday. I had felt off all day and had weird stomach pains. My mom thought I just needed to eat because all I was telling her was that my stomach hurt. When my dad took me out, I hardly ate and he was mad that I wasted food and money. I ended up coming home and going to the bathroom to see if I needed to poop and saw blood in my panties and freaked out. My mom calmed me down and told me what it was. Even though she didn’t get her period anymore, she still had old pads and stuff so that’s what I used. When she told my dad, he felt really bad for getting upset with me about not wanting to eat. He offered to go out and get me whatever I wanted. Had bad bad cramps for a little bit and now it’s just annoying af but at least I know I’m not pregnant 😂


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15 and a half. I was about to go to the doctors, to see if something was wrong with me, since I think I was the last girl in my class to get it.