Early symptoms of pregnancy

What are some early pregnancy symptoms you’ve all experienced within the first week or two of conception, even before you may have found out you were pregnant?

My husband and I have been trying to conceive the last four months. The first month of trying I had a chemical pregnancy. The last two months have had no luck. But this month we will see!! I’m about a week or so passed ovulation, and my period is due in about 5 days. I’ve been experiencing some symptoms but they’re kind of similar maybe to what I have before my period. But it’s pretty early for me to have symptoms at this point if it were just my period.

Im feel extra tired. I’ve been super bloated and gassy the last two days. Like my stomach is so bloated and hard right now. But it’s not from food or anything. I’m even on a fast right now from dairy, gluten, and all sugar. So bloating doesn’t seem right as far as my diet. And I’m drinking plenty of fluids. In fact I’m insanely thirsty like nonstop. Today I’ve also had different CM. Almost a thick sticky dark yellow CM. I’ve been getting headaches too and been super irritated.