Help??do I have a yeast infection or worse ???

I’m 19 and for the past 2-3 months I started developing dryness in my vagina. I didn’t know if it was because of a different birth control pill I had been trying for the first month. Gradually. My boyfriend and I are unable to have sex. I’m so worried if I have something and idk how I would get an std. Ik ur can happen but my boyfriend and I have been dating for two years and this is the first time something like this has been happening and we have a great sex life literally amazing until now. At first it would hurt when he would try and enter but we would get past it and it would feel great during sex but than I’d be really sore after. Eventually, it got to the point where he can not enter at all, it hurts for him to try and push and my symptoms include the following: redness, burning when peeing (after or when we tired to have sex, but he didn’t even get through), a little swollen, and pain when I would sit straight up. All these symptoms felt like they occurred in my vulva and not fully inside. After we tried multiple attempts we thought it was best if we take a break from sex till I healed. However, all my symptoms go away and literally for a whole month. I feel nothing and than I think I’m fine (btw he had no symptoms or anything on him, just me) we try again and we don’t even get past the opening. Ik u can somehow still get an std I just don’t know wha I got or how. If it’s a yeast infection or something else. Also in September I had gotten a regular pep smear and I was fine (of course ik u can get something since than). Does anyone have any idea wha is wrong with me?? Or if I have a yeast or bacterial or an std?? I’m trying to make an appointment with my gyno. I’m so worried and freaked out

Thanks, if anyone could help me out that would be great :)