Breast augmentation journey! **They’re done!!**


********** Glow cut me off on updating this post due to length, so older updates are on a thread called “Breast Augmentation Journey #1” I’ll post the new stuff here! **********

(one upset commenter made it clear that they feel that I am “promoting” plastic surgery. I just want to make it clear, as I did in my original thread, that this entire post was created solely to document my own personal journey and potentially help other women who were on the fence about getting a breast aug. I promised to be completely transparent with all aspects of this procedure and I will continue to do so. We are all adults and we all make our own conscious choices about what we do with our bodies. Please, do not get breast implants just because I did! Do it for yourself and no one else. My choice was 3+ years and multiple consultations in the making, I recommend all women taken their time and do their own research! ☺️ Thanks again for all your support ladies! I’ve loved sharing this experience with you! 💕💕)


Paid off the remainder of my

Balances today so all that’s left to do now is wait! (14 days!!!)

The surgeon’s office called me yesterday to talk a little more about what to expect after surgery. They told me that the procedure itself will take about an hour. The surgeon recommends taking some time off work (obviously), but since my current work / school is mainly sedentary, I was told that I’ll be fine to return to work / school on Tuesday! (That means I’ll only need to take two days off - Friday and Monday! Woo!) I was advised to not lift anything over 5lbs for a week after the procedure (looks my husband is going to know what it’s like to have the kids attached to his hip for a while!), but was also told to start walking ASAP to prevent DVT. I also can’t shower until my first postop appt, which I think is 5 or 6 days after the procedure, which is one thing I’m reeeeaaallllly not looking forward to, but it’s a small price to pay for my girls! Lol

I also want to quickly touch again on how I’m getting the implants since a couple comments asked about it. The incision will be 1.5 inches on the crease of each breast. The surgeon will make a pocket under the pectoral muscle and insert the implant from there. (If you’re into the medical aspect of the procedure and aren’t bothered by slicing and suturing, I highly advise you to look up the actually surgical procedure on YouTube. It’s GOOD stuff guys!)

At this point, I have no nervous feelings whatsoever. Honestly, I’m so excited that the days are starting to drag! Lol. My biggest concern at this point is the reaction that I may get from people when I show up with noticeably larger tatas 😂 since it’s still going to be cold I plan on just wearing bulky sweaters for a while after I first get them done.

Can I also add that I’m LOVING everyone’s before and after photos! You ladies look awweeessoommmeee! Reading your guys’ comments everyday really helps the time go by, so I always look forward to seeing what everyone has to say!

I’ll DEFINITELY be posting after pics and I’ll give everyone the step-by-step deets on the day of surgery 🎉🎉🎉 and I’ll update as soon as I’m feeling up to it once I wake up. ☺️ I’ll also probably do some daily updates leading to my post-op appt and go into the pain details and how they feel and all the good stuff...

...are you guys ready? We’re all going on this journey together! Lol we’re in it for the long haul!!

You guys really are SO awesome, the support is really nice and I truly appreciate it. I’ll be back to update more once I have something worth writing about!

Can Feb15th come any faster....? Please? 😅💕


Well the day after tomorrow is my surgery and I’m becoming super impatient, mostly because of my excitement.

I picked up all my prescriptions about a week ago, but I still need to go back to the pharmacy today and get the nausea patch they prescribed since my insurance didn’t cover it. It’s about $30 out of pocket, but general anesthesia is notorious for making some people nauseous so it’s a necessity.

I’ve been preoccupied with mid-terms, work, and making my kid’s valentines that the time kind of flew by. I’ll update this post here on the day of surgery with some more before & after pics. I’m actually considering vlogging on the day of as well Since I’m apparently overwhelming Glow with my long post lol. If I do end up making a video, I’ll post the link to that here in case anyone is interested in watching.

Thank you guys for your continued support and concerns. It’s like I’m going into this with a ton of supportive friends by my side. 💕 lol.

More soon!!!



That nausea patch put me on my ass... as weird as that sounds. My thinking got fuzzy an hour after I put it on and then I could barely keep my eyes open. This morning I did NOT want to get out of bed, and now my body just feels heavy and groggy. If I didn’t have to finish taxes with my husband today I’d still be in bed!! My MIL decided to NOT watch the kids for us this weekend so this should be interesting. My husband took today off and I have a friend coming to help me tomorrow so we’ll see how this goes...

I’ll post pics at the surgery center!

Here we go

First look!

I am still out of it and in a good amount of pain. I’ll update more later on guys.


Omg. That first day was super, SUPER rough. I was in sooo much freakin pain it was terrible. My left incision even started bleeding a bit when I got home so I had to call the surgeon who advised I just put pressure on it. I couldn’t get up off the bed on my own and I could barely move my arms. The pain pills helped immensely. I slept on my back last night and woke up with significantly less pain. I’m at about a 4/10 atm, and I’m told it gets easier and easier each day. No more bleeding either!

So far I LOVE THEM!! They are hard as a rock but omg they’re so cute! 😭 I’m not sure what size I’m sitting at currently, but the medium sized zip-up bra I bought for after the procedure doesn’t fit even remotely, so that’s a good sign, I suppose lol.

According to the surgeon, it takes about 3 weeks for them to start to settle and take on their final shape, so I’ll just play the waiting game until then. I already feel such a confidence boost, I seriously am debating ditching bras for good 😆


WAY less pain today! I’ve only had to take a couple pain meds. I was able to clean the house a bit and cook some lunch / dinner - so far so good!

I can already tell they are starting to soften a bit which is pretty exciting. ☺️

I’ll probably come back in a few days - a week to post even more photos of the finished result. As of now, I don’t have a whole lot more to say. I’m very happy with my results and it’s been a ton of fun sharing this journey with you guys! I’ll come back periodically to update with anything worth writing about.


😍 3 days post-op! Lost a bandage from the bleeding on night 1 and was advised not to replace it, so try to ignore that lol. They are softening up and I’m in LOVE. I thought they’d be too small but honestly, I think they’re PERFECT for my size. I’m so into them 😍


Quick update - I actually am experiencing some numbness in both breasts. This does not come as a shock to me, as I was fully aware that this was a possible side affect due to the stretching of the tissues with the Implants. I am pretty much fully expecting sensation to come back within a few a weeks. And if it doesn’t, it’s something I’m content living with. 🙂🤷‍♀️

Pain is much better today, but I’m still taking pain medication, so it’s not completely gone. My post-op appt is Thursday. 2 more days until I can shower!! 😭😂


Had my post-op appt today. I CAN FINALLY TAKE A SHOWER!! 😭😂 my surgeon said to expect the pain to last another week, so that’s fun. I also got instruction to start massaging my breasts which is SO freaking painful. 😢 he said I should expect them to drop more into their pockets throughout the next month which will make them appear rounder and fuller. He said most of the swelling is gone and I can begin resuming normal activities!

Other than the pain - I’m doing great! Still some numbness, so we’ll see how it goes!


8 days post op


Hey guys! I got measured today and I’m a solid 34D 😀! A lot of the numbness has gone away and I’d say I’ve regained about 90% of the sensation in my breasts. Pain is pretty much entirely gone and all is well!

Just thought it throw in that quick little update!

I hope everyone out there is doing good! ☺️