Mrs • 👰💍 Proud Wife to an amazing 👨‍🏭 & Stepmommy of 4 yrs old 👦 🏈 and 1yr old 👧 & Mommy to 3 Fur Babies 🐱🐈♥️🐕 ✨ Patiently awaitly🔜 for my little bundle of joy 👶..... BABY DUST TO ALL 👶 ✨ 👶✨

I took 2 dollar test 1/21 around 5 and 1/22 11am when I woke up. Both were negative. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I should handle this? Or what may be the issue? Should I wait to see if I ovulated late? I have been a little stress but can this put my period delayed this long? I'm so confused going to the gym to work out tomorrow (and await my doctor appointment) maybe that will relieve some stress.

PS: 3 LMP October 11

November 15

December 15

Average cycle length: 32 days

Predicted ovul: 1/1/2019