PMS symptoms VS Pregnancy symptoms...

Lauren🥀 Mum to baby C.j❤️Pregnant With Baby#2🤰🌈

How similar are pregnancy symptoms to PMS symptoms? I know every woman is different but I wanna know if there’s anyone out there that’s having what I’m having! It’s very frustrating...

for the past week and 3 days I’ve been having PMS symptoms but not due my period for another 7 days!!😕

I’ve taken Asdas’s own tests and they’re all very faint positives, VERY FAINT.

My boobs are tender, I feel nauseous, I’ve had headaches for the past week, I’ve had cramping for 3 days straight and I only get cramping the day or two before my period! Something is NOT RIGHT... i also need to sleep a lot, like I cba to get up and move haha! I have to because I have my 6 month old son to look after... also my lower back is KILLING ME! Never experienced my lower back

So sore in my life, my nipples are very sensitive too.. I don’t want to have it set in my head that I’m pregnant or think I am because I don’t want to be disappointed if I’m not.. anyone else had these and got a BFP?

We’ve also been using PreSeed!!!