Bleeding with the mirena



Okay so i was put on the mirena IUD December 4 2018 and December 16 is when i got my period and i my didn’t end until yesterday! What am i suppose to expect now?

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More irregularities. Progestin only methods like Mirena are most known for causing irregular bleeding patterns. This can include longer time frames with or without bleeding, random bleeding, or frequent bleeding, at any given time. And, such irregular bleeding is especially common during the first 3-6 months.


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Im on week 3 of bleeding. Driving me crazy I can't stand it. But hey, no more babies lol


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The first 3-6 months is supposed to be unexpected, you may bleed a lot you may not bleed at all. Trust me it sucks but it will eventually end. I had a period for 2 weeks, it wasn't heavy but it was still there and I couldn't get oral which SUCKED! Just be patient with it.