Frustrated as hell


I will be 34wks tomorrow and literally have nothing but a few outfits for little man and that’s it. My husband keeps telling me not to buy anything for the baby because that’s what the baby shower is for, which I won’t have till I’m 37 wks and afraid I wont be prepared if I go into labor early. I don’t even have a car seat for him. I’m getting induced at 39wks if he is here before that. But I still feel like I will have to rush and get stuff together. I have a hard enough time doing anything right now since I’m in excruciating pain 24/7 and can barely walk.... Ugh sorry so long just needed vent. Cause right now I could punch my husband in the face. It hasn’t hit him yet that this baby will be here before we know it and We are not ready 😭😭😭