Sleep training

Bri • Married and mother to babygirl💓

So my daughter is 6 months and i heard that this is a good time to start sleep training . From the time she was about 4 weeks to 4 months she slept through the night for about 12 hrs. Since 4 months she wakes up throughout the night to eat , and sometimes just cause she’s fussy . She’ll fall asleep easy then wake up after 4 hrs then after that it’s crappy sleep. I want to get her back to through the night so what’s some good tips / sleep training ideas. Tonight i gave her a bath right before bed and she fell asleep within 2 minutes of being out the bath, slept for 3 hrs then was tossing and turning , would only sleep on me and if she was dream feeding ( she’s breastfed ).🙌🏽def looking for advice . Also, she’s been teething and just cut her first tooth. She shouldn’t be hungry because she eats solids and breastfeeds right before bed .other then the sleep and fussiness in the middle of the night, she’s usually a very happy, content baby!

Here’s my happy baby