Thoughts ??


Long post alert but i need opinions...

So I’ve been TTC for 5 months. Last month my cycle came over 10 days late but normal 5 days like every cycle. This month my cycle came about 33 days after last months but for the past month off and on I’ve been getting “cramping” if you can call it that. Not really painful but just annoying because i get random pressure and pulling sensations. My cycle this month was weird as hell. I spotted for two days a couple of times and the next day i bled a little more but not even enough to fill up my diva cup 1/4th of the way in a 24hr period. Then i stopped completely then two days later i spotted again(only noticeable when i wipe). I went to the dr yesterday because i just feel so off down there. She told me she believes I’m having an early miscarriage but we haven’t even gotten my blood work results back yet. Any idea what could be going on? I know you all aren’t doctors but has anyone experienced this? I’m trying not to stress about it but I’m worried...i haven’t taken any home pregnancy tests because i promised myself i won’t spend any more money on them until i FEEL pregnant because i have been test crazy the past few months...sorry if I’m all over the place..