He doesn’t “do oral”

Have you ladies every been physical with a guy, only to find out that he doesn’t like to go down on girls? What would you do in this situation?

I recently started hooking up with a guy that I vibe with. I am not super physically into him but it’s definitely a comfortable situationship so far. I don’t really want anything more. Our third hook up was last night and I kinda called him out jokingly that I really only come when I’m getting oral. Well he doesn’t “do oral” cause he “can’t be out here running the streets” as in he sleeps with many girls. That fine I don’t care but I care that I’m expected to give and never receive.

I like this guy as a person but I’m not cool with this factor, so I will cut it off the next time he hits me up. But I want to make it known that at age 30 I feel like there is something wrong with a man that does not want to return oral sex.

Maybe I will tell him we can still have sex, I just won’t be giving him oral MWAHAHA.