Reintroducing bottle

S • 24. Married. First time Pregnant!

Do you mommas have any advice for getting my daughter to take a bottle more easily? She’s been exclusively breastfed aside from the rare moments I’m out of the house and she now fights the bottle. We originally introduced one at like 2 weeks trying to prevent this.

But I’m now starting to have people watch her and it’s stressful for me and them when she refuses to eat because she isn’t used to the bottle.

She used to be fine with one, but like I said it’s always been very rare we’d actually use one. I’ve been trying to use one for at least one feeding a day to reintroduce and have even tried different bottles/nipples, but she gets so hysterical when hungry and while refusing it, that it’s hard to get her to take it afterwards. It’s like the boobs are used for so much more than just hunger that I feel awful that nobody else can feed her or calm her down.

Also when do you switch from slow flow to medium flow nipples? Some packages say 3 months, but we seldom use the bottle so I don’t want to overwhelm her.