Is there a chance? I’m freaking out! 😨

I’ve been having a bit of nausea, sore breast, specific cravings, increase libido, headaches, cramping for a few days now. Been playing it off as PMS since I’ve experienced this before minus the nausea.

The guy I’ve been seeing questioned me twice about the possibility after I told him I woke up wanting a donut after waking up and because of my increase libido. We both talked about the fact that we are not ready at all. He really sounded like he was not up for the idea of it.

He kinda got in my head so I tested this morning and it was negative. I was relieved 😅 but then just right now it seems like I’m spotting (only when I wipe) maybe implantation bleeding. My projected period start day is not until 2 days from now.

Could there still be a chance of being pregnant 😰 (even with a negative test) or is it an early start to my period. I’m really freaking out. I’ve always been consistent to my period start days (every 28 days without fail for years).