Line progression and HCG updates

CC • 2 rambunctious boys 10 & 4 ♥️✨

Hey mamas :)

So I just love doing these 😊 I just can’t help myself ... but here’s pics of my line progressions from 11 dpo till today , 17 dpo ...

I got my HCG checked at 14 dpo because I had a miscarriage in July and just wanted a piece of mind. My levels were at 64 and that was slightly heartbreaking to me, so I went again at 16 dpo and they went to 203... which helped me relax slightly . Still POAS like a crazy woman though lol 😆 anyone have similar stories with HCG with this or previous pregnancies ? Also , any experience with lower HCG meaning boy or girl ? :)

Also , might be helpful to mention to some in the future .. I did have implantation bleeding at 6 and 7 dpo . It was red mixed with EWCM. I also had it with my miscarriage, but not with my son who is 5 years old.

Hope this helps for anyone that is looking for some sort of relief :)