Horizon NIPT

I get my results in a week and a half and I’m so nervous and excited at the same time because we find out the baby’s gender. I have a healthy 8 year old son and even if I have a special needs baby I wouldn’t love my baby any less, I work with children with special needs and love my babies to death but I also know how difficult the journey can be. I’m sure all will be fine but I can’t help but over think. No family history of any genetic disorders on either side of the family, only autism spectrum disorder. My two youngest step sons have high functioning aspergers but are from the same mother so maybe it comes from her side of the family. You wouldn’t even know they were on the spectrum. Their mom put them through extensive therapy and home schooling, they’re amazing, smart and funny kids. I’ve seen all sides of the spectrum because I’ve worked with so many different kids so it just worries me. *sigh* just needed to vent. I have two very severe children in my class this year and not only has it caused a stressful environment due to the lack of parental involvement but has me thinking about the worst possible scenarios. All I can pray for is a healthy child and pray for God to heal me and guide me if the tests shows anything to prepare us for the future.