Teen pregnancy

Me and my boyfriend are both 14 (almost 15) and he got me pregnant. I haven’t told anyone not even him. I don’t know what to do or how to tell him or my parents. Also his parents are super strict and if they find out I don’t know if they will let us see each other and I’m really scared. I once brought up having a family (in the future) around his family and they told me if I ever wanted to do shit with their son I would have to have a great job, we would have to be married, and have money to support our family. I have none of that. I am terrified that if they find out that we had sex and then I got pregnant their going to hate me forever. Onto my parent, I don’t know how to tell them because my sister had a kid at 19 and they were pissed and I’m 14. I just don’t know what to do and how to tell anyone. The person that I am least worried about telling is my boyfriend. But I am still worried deep down that he won’t want this kid and he will leave both of us and our kid will grow up without a dad. But the only thing I know for sure about this kid so far is that no matter what I won’t abort him/her or put him/her up for adoption. Please HELP ME!!!??