Looking for someone to relate to!💕


Hey ladies!!

My boyfriend is in the marines over in Japan (he’s 20 and I’m 18) and I’m a senior in high school. We met online and he happened to be home for Christmas and we hit it off and we were inseparable for the whole time he was home! He’s back now in Japan and on a ship until April (he has no cell service so we don’t have any contact right now). The next time he comes home to visit will be in December and next April he will finally be stationed back in the US!

I feel like my friends don’t think we are going to last and they don’t want to hear about him or they feel I’m bragging about my boyfriend being a marine or something (I’m totally not bragging about him being a marine just the fact that he’s him and I’m lucky to have him as my boyfriend for the person he is🥰😂). Any girls going through anything similar in deployments feel free to put your number down below if you’d like anyone to talk to or someone that understands what we’re all going through (or even just anything military it’s always good to have girls you can relate to)!❤️