Have you experienced this with your iud?


I’ve had my iud for about 7 months now (since June 2018). I got it because my cramps were horrendous, like to the point where I couldn’t leave my bed and I just cried in pain. After getting my iud I have noticed that I almost never cramp on my period anymore and my flow has been getting much lighter. My only problem is that sometimes I do randomly get these really strong and painful cramps. They last about 3-5 seconds then it’s over. I can have multiple of these cramps between a few hours - up to a few days, but what throws me off is it’s never when I’m on or about to start my period. I remember googling this and reading somewhere that sometimes it’s because of gas. That if you have gas it can put pressure on your iud and cause some pain but it’s nothing serious. I don’t get these cramps all the time but when I do, it just reminds of how miserable I was before. So I’m just wondering has anyone else experiencing/experienced this too? Is there anything you did/do to stop it? Or did it just go away after awhile? When I don’t have these random cramps, my iud feels perfectly fine and I think it’s one of the best decisions I’ve made birth control wise.

Oh p.s. I have the kyleena iud