When does your OB start doing membrane sweeps if you ask?

Helen • 24y/o Air Force wife💙. MOM to a Feb ‘19 babe and soon to be Aug ‘21 babe!

I am going to my 37 weeks appointment tomorrow (I’ll be 37+5) and I am going to ask to see if they can do a membrane sweep on me. I’m going to be induced by 39 weeks due to GD, we just haven’t set a date yet but I would really like to go into labor before the 3rd/4th since my dad is leaving for two months for work (I’d really like for him to meet his first grandbaby in person but I know that babies come on their own time). I am so literally out of room in my uterus, even the doctors have said so. I’m doing everything in the book (with the exception of castor oil, I won’t do that ever) to get him to make his way out.

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