Infertility is in fact a form of grief

Jessica • ttc for 4 years. Have 1 tube open by lap surgery. Did 2 IUIs and no luck. IVF June 2016. I need to just relax, 😆
Who feels this way?, I do! A part of your soul dies with every cycle that doesn’t result in a pregnancy. Millions of women are battling infertility right now. They mourn when their periods start. They feel isolated. They drown themselves in Dr. Google ideas, hoping to discover a solution to end their sadness. After year(s) of trying to conceive naturally and at their wit’s end, many women seek the care of a fertility specialist. - Infertility is powerful. It is evil it is brutal. Being a woman or a man and knowing your body has let you down is a huge blow. Many of us females have dreamed of a baby since we were young girls playing with dolls. It's not like being disappointed over being passed up for a promotion or Starbucks being out of soy milk for your latte. It's soul sucking mind altering and Affects you for the rest of your are battling very much alone since it's a fight against you or your partner's body and it can overwhelm you before you even realize it. The intense depression and anxiety quickly flood in and suffocate you. No Dr. could have prepared me for that horror.  - See more at: