Period late. Tested negative. Some app gave me differnet timing.

I am 32 years old now. I had protected sex and do pull out a few weeks ago. Had to stop because it ends up feeling kind of pain.

But this week it feels like I had PMS feels and on the supposed date of the period, it is still not in. So I went to do a home test and it still comes back as negative. At the moment, It is about 4 days of delay of the period on the supposed week.

I am around 48 kg and I am between underweight to a healthy weight. I have tried like drinking things like pineapple juice it does not look like it is working for me.

My diet = I do not eat things like beef or lamb. Mostly Chicken or fish.

Visit the doctor and he gave me Norethisterone tabs for 5 days to induce the period.

(Now) Partly now, it is kind of annoys me is that when I try using the app to track to give me a rough idea as I do keep some of the tacking of my Period from last year, <a href="">Period calendar</a> give me 5 days late (<a href="">Period Tracker</a> - <a href="">Period Calendar</a> Ovulation Tracker) and went to try Flo (<a href="">Period Tracker</a> Flo, Pregnancy & <a href="">Ovulation Calendar</a>) now this give me 2 days late.

What can I do?

Posted the timing which I roughly have.