Not again... Potential trigger

Magz 💙💜💙

I’m sorry if this is the wrong place to post this but I wasn’t sure where else to.

I first fell pregnant at 26, had a scan at 8w saw the heart beat then had my NTS at 12w, again saw the heartbeat and bub moving. That afternoon the Dr called and told me I was 1/121 chance of Trisomy 21, 1/31 for Trisomy 18, and 1/3 for Trisomy 13.

I was devastated.

Went to FMU and was told at 13+4 that baby had passed at some point after my 12w scan. I had a D&C and didn’t stop bleeding for three months after.

I thought that having a baby would heal me and was lucky enough to fall pregnant my second cycle after the bleeding stopped. It was such a relief to have healthy results and a healthy baby boy. Though the pregnancy itself was not enjoyable as I had prenatal anxiety.

Fast forward to now. I’m 29 and pregnant with number 3. My EDD is just 5 days ahead of my first pregnancy. We had our Nuchal and everything looked fine on the scan. Chin bone, nasal bone, Nuchal Fold was 1.5mm, hands, heart, etc. We were so happy we decided to announce.

I pushed to get my results today and once again we got bad news. 1/54 Trisomy 21, 1/31 Trisomy 18, and 1/24 of Trisomy 13.

I broke down. I am so very worried and don’t want to experience another loss or make the decision to terminate. I have no one who has been in a similar situation and I just don’t know what to do..,

Thanks for taking the time to read and bless you all.