IPhone versus Android


I've had six iPhones in the past year. I keep a case on them and I haven't damaged them from dropping them. I keep replacing with another iPhone because I'm familiar with the phone and hate having to learn to use a new phone. I also have hundreds of audio books that you can't transfer to anything but an iPhone... Everything was purchased via iTunes. For me this is the biggest issue because I listen to audio books all the time....sometimes repeatedly. I purchased a Droid from Amazon the last time I had a problem with my iPhone, to use as a backup for when I had iPhone issues and of course here I am with iPhone issued AGAIN. Thing is I've been using the Droid for about a month and other than not having access to my Contacts and audio books, I like it. I can talk on it and not accidentally hit mute with my face, I love the way the Internet displays and how FB and Glow appear.

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