I feel bad...

I feel awful I see women who have been trying to have a baby for months or years!!!!

And we try not even for a week... and I got pregnant no ovulation test needed no counting... we just went let's try with out a condom twice only... three weeks later I'm puking...

I wish to send baby dust to all of you ladies trying.. never give up hope.. :(

Sometimes I wish I could give my eggs away lol or w.e to you women I'm so fertal it's awful!!

I wish nothing but my crazy egg droppings to pass to you ladies and you all have many healthy babies...

🚼❤🚼❤🚼❤🚼❤🚼❤🚼❤🚼🌠🌠🌠🌠⭐⭐Baby Dust ⭐⭐🌠🌠🌠🌠🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈👣👣