Negative then positive??



I’m currently on day 9 of my TWW. My husband and I have been TTC for going on a year and a half now so to say I’m a bit impatient is an understatement 🤷🏻‍♀️ so I’m looking for glimmers of hope here. Has anyone gotten a BFN on 7dpo-8dpo and went on to get their BFP at 10dpo or later? I know testing at 7-8dpo is super early but I was hoping for at least a faint line like I’ve seen other women get. Please comment your experience and help me pass this torturous time 😘 I

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Posted at
This was my 8 dpo FRERAnd then 9 dpo!One day can make a huge difference!


Posted at
Ok ladies this is my 15dpiui test. What’s your opinion?


Posted at
Negatives up until 10dpo. I tested everyday starting at 6dpo.


An • Jan 31, 2019
I’ve tested daily from 7dpiui and this is my first vvvvfl


Posted at
The majority of women don't implant until 9-12 dpo and then you have to allow hcg to build up to a detectable level.


An • Jan 25, 2019
Thank you! This gives me hope