Baby hiccups


I'm 31w3d and I'm noticing my baby gets the hiccups a lot lately. I can feel them pretty much everyday. Today she has had them twice already. I read so many conflicting things. Like she shouldn't get them everyday something could be wrong and then other things say that it's totally normal. Have any of you dealt with baby hiccuping a lot and what were you told. Any information is helpful!

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Posted at
I specifically asked my doctor this at my last visit, because I kept seeing it could mean there is a cord problem. He said no, hiccups are good, and indicate a good nervous system.


Tessa • Jan 26, 2019
Haha I did the same, and mine as well! I asked at 32 weeks and he said yes perfectly normal 😊


Ashley • Jan 25, 2019
Thank you so much! This definitely helps put my mind at ease. Thats what i have been reading and it has been freaking me out! And after her getting the hiccups twice today i was panicking. This is my first and my rainbow baby so im extra paranoid!


Posted at
My first baby got them all the time, multiple times a day and he was fine.


Posted at
My first daughter had hiccups all the time, multi times a day and she is perfect... no issues. My midwife said it is a good sign they are practicing the breathing movements. My baby now gets them about once a day.


Ashley • Jan 25, 2019
Thank you so much!


Posted at
No need to worry. My babe gets them constantly. When I was in the hospital last weekend and was hooked up the monitor she had the hiccups a lot and they said she's just building strong lungs.


Ashley • Jan 25, 2019
Thank you so much!


Posted at
Totally normal and very safe! Just means they’re practice breathing. It’s a good thing.


Ashley • Jan 25, 2019
Thank you so much!


Posted at
My baby has them at least once a day yesterday was 4 times that I noticed! I also have read conflicting things about them having them often.


Ashley • Jan 25, 2019
Googling stuff will literally drive you insane but most people say its fine so that's comforting


Posted at
Baby boy hiccups like 2-4 times a day, asked at doctor today and she said perfectly normal. He's just practicing breathing. We also had our 32 week growth scan today and he passed with flying colors so he seems to be perfectly happy in there!


Ashley • Jan 25, 2019
Thank you so much!


Posted at
All my kids, except my first had hiccups all the time. They’re all perfectly healthy.


Ashley • Jan 25, 2019
Thank you!