Toddler teacher seeking advice

I work with 2 year olds. I have 17-18 a day with two to three teachers to help.

In the afternoons I have one helper and about 10-11 kids.

Our schedule is extremely busy. Usually I’m leading a lesson with a small group and other teachers are watching other small groups.

We have a non verbal autistic child (not formally diagnosed yet) he has a behavioral therapist who comes bi weekly and she strongly believes he is autistic but they haven’t made the formal diagnosis.

So here’s my issue. None of us are equipped with how to help him. I didn’t go to school for special ed. This child needs constant 1:1 support someone next to him or he’s hitting kicking someone screaming tantruming etc. pulling things off shelves throwing toys and the other kids aren’t old enough to understand. It’s impossible even with 4 teachers on a given day for one person to be with him 24/7 the other kids need us too.

How I do I handle this situation ? My director is no help. I’ve begged for weighted blankets and compression shirts (his therapist recommended it) it’s also tough bc legally idk how much of his condition I’m allowed to ask his parents. What do I do ?